So much has happened since my last update… ALL the scans So I went back and had a few more scans- a special kind of CT Scan to zoom in on the area of the tumour (not a pleasant experience given where it is!) They have to inflate your colon with air to get a […]

August 15, 2022

More Scans and Surgery Booked In

What a week it’s been after my diagnosis last week. There are moments when it hits me like a tonne of bricks and moments when I feel almost normal. Such a surreal kind of experience. But I do have some good news- the surgery is going ahead this Tuesday as they had hoped. I had […]

August 5, 2022

Update on the Journey

Well this is a blog I honestly never thought I’d write. Where to start? It’s not easy especially as this kind of cancer isn’t exactly easy to talk about- as Deborah James describes it- it’s the brown cancer. I followed Deborah James and her journey with Bowel Cancer for years and always so admired her […]

August 2, 2022

Finding out I had Cancer – my journey so far

Back in February I was diagnosed with ADHD. I had suspected it for a while, but there is so much stigma around it. It was never a condition I had really identified with before until I started researching it. I had initially started looking into it after thinking there was a possibility my son may […]

June 7, 2022

Being diagnosed with ADHD at 38

Do you want to learn how to understand your astrological chart more and how the full and new moons can impact different areas of your life? This is my guide for how I use free online tools to guide me to use astrology on a weekly basis.

May 16, 2022

Astrology House Systems

Often when I start working with 1:1 clients we will look at their Vision and Mission in the world- without these it is hard to make a plan for how to feel fulfilled as we don’t know where the ultimate direction is. If you would like some clarity on this, read on- this will guide […]

May 13, 2022

Your Mission and Vision

Fundamentally, we have been conditioned in our society to define success very closely to the income we bring in…

… But this is often where we get stuck- we can be bringing money in and not be happy. Is that really ‘success’?

May 11, 2022

How to be Successful

photo of woman practicing yoga

Dealing with stress, long hours, overwhelm, and pressure of contributing to our joint household finances made me make this expression!! In this post I share how I went from overwhelmed and depressed after leaving my corporate job to Aligned & Purposeful!

May 4, 2022

4 Steps I took after leaving corporate

Each week in the Intuitive Business Academy (IBA) we have a brilliant written and audio guide to the Astrology for the week created by our in-house Astrologer Jema (more about her below).​Jema has been a part of the IBA since the start and I love her brilliant insights and how she makes Astrology accessible yet […]

April 25, 2022

Astrology Forecast this week – Moon Cocoon

Last year I wrote and spoke this letter to Instagram. I have now taken my focus away from the platform and put energy into my blog, SEO and email list. Results are starting to show and I’m feeling much calmer and focused on my creative dreams rather than comparing myself to what others are doing. […]

April 19, 2022

Video Letter: Quitting Instagram