Is it possible to see the hard times in our lives as access points to our true selves? I believe it is. Two years ago, aged 39 I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer. What followed was a deep healing journey - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  There was so much I learnt along the way - in our culture we don't truly know what it means to heal at the root cause. 

I'm Lauren



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choose                 over perfection

From the Blog

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To the me of a year ago. Midway through chemo and feeling like 💩 Dear Chemo Lauren, I know you feel like absolute shit right now. It’s the never-ending nausea and bloating. It’s the fact you can’t sleep without being sat upright. It’s the way food doesn’t taste the same. It’s the fact you need […]

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Have you heard people saying they are a ‘red witch’ or ‘white witch’ and wondered quite what they meant? It’s all about how your menstrual or energetic cycle aligns with the moon cycle. You don’t need to menstruate to utilise these cyclical living insights – we are all naturally cyclical because we evolved alongside the […]

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You may hear people talking about accessing the 5th dimension and wonder what they are actually talking about… we are going through a planetary shift right now. It’s something I’ve been learning a lot about over the last year…

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Life moves in 7 year cycles. It takes approximately 7 years for all the cells in our body to be renewed. ⁠⁠ We were studying these in depth in a recent class in the Astrology course I’m currently taking.⁠⁠It takes 4 of these cycles to be completed for a Saturn return to happen. (Your first […]


I’m a Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon and Scorpio rising.
What this essentially means is that I’m an intuitive, creative empath with a natural ability to truly see people and their potential at a deep level. I can hold a space for you where you will start to tap more into your unique gifts and what truly LIGHTS YOU UP!




My Energetic



- Heather, Energy Psychologist

"""I absolutely loved working with you. You inspired me to really find and believe in myself and what my business has to offer to the world. Meeting with you has given me a lifeline for my business. I feel excited again for my business and my life's purpose."

- Harriet, Yoga Teacher and Actress

“Knowledge and expertise doesn’t simply come from traditional wisdom, it emerges through the intricate soul connection that one soul has in relation to another. I would describe Lauren as having this unique and very special ability to both listen, advise and coach with a deep understanding and touching intelligence."

yes please ⋙

Dessert soufflé sweet chocolate cupcake. Cotton candy tootsie roll sweet roll gummies bear claw. 

title of freebie