the end of one Lunar Cycle and the beginning of a new one. It’s a good time to release the energy of the last month and begin setting intentions for the next 28-day cycle in line with your evolving values.

August 25, 2021

New Moon in Virgo: What it means and Journal Prompts.

A key theme of this Full Moon is expansion, think about the ways that you are expanding and growing in your life and visualise this journey as a spiral. You can walk this spiral outward welcoming the energy of expansion in as you take each step, or you could draw a spiral on paper. You could even journal in a spiral about your journey of growth, filling a page with bigger, bolder ideas!

August 10, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius: What it means and Journal Prompts.

The Full Moon is radiant in her reflected wisdom, sitting opposite the sun so that from our vantage point between them we can see her, whole and out of the shadows. The Sun is entering Leo so the Moon will be opposite in the 1st degree of Aquarius. It is the first of two Aquarian Full Moons this year, there are thirteen Moon cycles in a year and 12 zodiac signs so each year one sign will have two Full Moons and one will have two New Moons.

July 18, 2021

Full Moon in Aquarius: What it means and Journal Prompts.

This New Moon is in Cancer, our cardinal, water sign. She is the mother of the zodiac, bringing in the summer solstice. She marks a point in the year when everything is blooming, the sweet fragrance of summer. She brings warmth and beauty; she longs to nurture and protect those close to her and as a cardinal water sign, she is the beginning of water. Like a freshwater spring that people build a town around or a safe shallow harbour keeping her fishing boats safe. She gathers a small group and spends her time nourishing them. We are approaching the time of year when we will be turning our attention to our family, spending school holidays with our children, quietening our work schedule to take holidays with those we love. Cancer reminds us to focus on the people we value, our inner circle. We may think of a crab with a hard shell and a soft interior, Cancer is very much like this, highly sensitive and empathic she needs to protect herself, so she is only open with those she really trusts. Wherever Cancer falls in your chart is where you need to be nurtured and with this New Moon nurturing ourselves is the theme.

June 24, 2021

New Moon in Cancer: What it means and Journal Prompts

  When: 24th June 2021 19:39 UK time Sign:  Capricorn 3 Element: Earth Quality: Fixed Ruler: Saturn Duality: Masculine / Yang   About this Full Moon: A Full Moon symbolises the culmination of the Moon cycle when everything is illuminated. It is a time for romance, fertility, and harvest. In the days before electric lights, […]

June 11, 2021

Full moon in Capricorn: What it means and Journal Prompts

Gemini rules the lungs, take this opportunity to spend some time focusing on your breath. Think about the things that you are calling into your body and into your life as you breathe in. Release the things that you no longer need into the universe as you breathe out. Try not to hold onto your plans too tightly but allow your thoughts to turn inwards, seeing yourself and your plans from all angles and allowing deep truths to be revealed.

May 28, 2021

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Gemini:

more soul-based and collaborative way which aligns with the age of Aquarius we have recently moved into, as of late last year. I often get asked how to make a start on this as it all sounds great, but what does it mean in practical steps?

May 26, 2021

Top 5 tips to bring in Moon Cycle tracking (&free moon calendars!)

This Moon is known as the Flower Moon, and it’s also a Super Moon, AND a lunar eclipse. This means that the moon will appear reddish in colour as the only light that reaches it will come via the Earth’s atmosphere and that filters it so only red wavelengths get through. It is also known as a Blood Moon- the reason why it turns red is shown in this diagram. The only light that reaches the moon is coming via the earth’s atmosphere because it is a lunar eclipse.

May 14, 2021

Full moon in Sagittarius: What it means and Journal Prompts

The Taurus New Moon is especially focused on doing things that are real. It’s about making something happen that has substance to it


Taurus has a very earthy energy to it. It is about grounding ourselves fully. This is not about the bigger picture dreams and long-term goals but about thinking about the here and now:

May 7, 2021

New Moon in Taurus: What it means and Journal Prompts

The energy of Scorpio is:

  • Let’s cut through the crap and get to the real point of the matter
  • Any inauthenticity has to go and will suddenly feel a lot heavier to carry
  • Any work you are doing that is not aligning to your soul purpose will feel a lot harder
  • Anyone challenging you may well get an earful!
  • After the calming peace-keeping vibes of the Moon in Libra we had before the Full Moon, this is a totally different energy, if Libra is the ‘gently, gently’ don’t offend anyone approach, Scorpio is the ‘f** it this needs to happen NOW’ sort of energy
  • It is a water sign, but it’s not the gentle placid water of Cancer or dreamy water of Pisces, this is more like a huge hose pipe or even tidal wave coming to spray everything down like a power cleaner!
  • This is a really powerful time to let go of anything you don’t want, to release and cleanse yourself or anything toxic in your life


April 26, 2021

Full Moon in Scorpio 27th April & free tracker