“Owning the full spectrum of your feelings is one of the first steps to discover your unique soul and live your authentic life.”
The Full Moon is radiant in her reflected wisdom, sitting opposite the sun so that from our vantage point between them we can see her, whole and out of the shadows. The Sun is entering Leo so the Moon will be opposite in the 1st degree of Aquarius. It is the first of two Aquarian Full Moons this year, there are thirteen Moon cycles in a year and 12 zodiac signs so each year one sign will have two Full Moons and one will have two New Moons.
Aquarius, the water bearer, is often mistaken for a water sign, even the glyph, a pair of wavy lines, looks like water. But Aquarius is actually and air sign, and the glyph represents a pair of snakes, like the snake in the garden of Eden offering Eve knowledge and liberation. Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and truth, holding fiercely to the values of the individual. Aquarius wants us to stand on our values, we can lose ourselves by trying to fit in and this Full Moon reminds us to stand out, in all of our unique beauty. Sometimes conflict is worth it for the greater good and Aquarius is not just focused on themselves, liberation and equality belong to everyone and as we enter the Aquarian Age these values have become central to society as a whole. We value authenticity and the choice to express yourself in the ways that feel most aligned to you.
The Sun is in Leo so the light that shines on our Aquarian Moon brings passion and creativity. Leo rules the heart and this energy is lionhearted. Finding creative ways to express yourself is a core value for Leo and it comes from a place of understanding your value and loving yourself fiercely. When that light shines on Aquarius it calls for authentic self expression!
Uranus rules Aquarius, one of my astrology teachers, Debra Silverman, once said that if Uranus walked into a room they would be wearing their clothes backwards and standing on their head. Uranus is the maverick, the eccentric, the mad scientist, several steps ahead but probably in a whole other dimension. He asks the simple questions that no one else ever though to ask. Why are we doing it this way? Who told you it needed to be like that? Why aren’t you walking around on your hands?
Uranus is currently in Taurus, asking us questions about how we are using the earths resources, do straws need to be made out of plastic? Do we really need all of that packaging? How can we re think energy and waste? Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 and will be there until 2026, it’s a long transit, which is good because we have a lot of work to do! With Uranus in Taurus things like the zero wase movement have gathered momentum and changes are being made to protect the earth on a global scale.
This year is a significant time for Uranus as he squares Saturn in Aquarius, Saturn is also the traditional ruler of Aquarius (before Uranus was discovered) Saturn and Uranus are bringing up so many questions about environmental and financial issues and how we build or re think the structures around them, from businesses to governments and large organisations, The last year has changed so many things and made space to re define how we work and how we consume.
Saturn is also making aspects to the north node and Chiron during this Full Moon so there is great potential for karmic healing here, especially as the Moon will be crossing paths with Saturn. I am expecting positive changes to be made this Month as we double up on Aquarian Full Moon energy.
Aquarius Journal Prompts