This is the second of our Aquarian Full Moons in the final degree of Aquarius, just 40 minutes after the Moon hits her peak, she will move into Pisces and before the end of the day Leo season will be over so if you’re in the UK and you want to bathe in Aquarian moonlight make sure you do it on the night of the 21st August!
The 29th degree of each sign has an association with mastery. The Moon will travel the whole of Aquarius to get to it, so it is the fullest and most mature expression of the sign.
In this final degree of Aquarius, we see the zoomed out, big picture view. Aquarius may appear detached but that is only because they can see the whole of humanity. We see our collective values clearly and Aquarius brings attention to inequality, oppression, and careless use of resources on a global level. This can feel challenging and polarizing, but it is asking us what can we change and where can we do better? This isn’t the same utopian naivete as the first degree of Aquarius, there is a realism and a Saturnian determination about this final degree. We need to change as a global community, but what lessons have we learned about how to create that change? How can we invest in technology? How can we align our values and our needs better? Where can we make sustainable and progressive changes for the greatest good of humanity?
The Sun is also at 29 degrees, but it is in Leo! Here we see the heart of the lion at its most mature and the 29th degree is also where the fixed star Regulus is, so this is some serious royal energy. Leo reminds us to re connect, where Aquarius is looking for a big picture view, Leo encourages us to view things from our heart. This bright re centring is how we can embody Aquarian values. Being centred in our hearts allows us to stand up for our values and lead!
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus and this Full Moon sees them both well supported, and the Moon is right next to Jupiter in the sky so there is lots of opportunity for expansion and growth in a way that feels easy and aligned.
Saturn is forming a grand air trine with Venus and the north node and although Saturn and Venus don’t usually play well together, they are both in their home signs, Saturn in Aquarius, and Venus in Libra. I see this as an opportunity for us to commit to bringing harmony and love in a way that impacts our collective destiny. Are there ways that you can commit to be more loving or to bring more beauty into the world? What structures or routines can support your creative expression, and how can they serve your community?
Uranus in Taurus encourages us to innovate and make changes relation to how we care for the world and financial structures. Mars in Virgo forms a trine bringing energy, refinement, and service to this placement. At the New Moon we felt lots of challenges around this but a trine creates an easy flow of energy and aligned values so we may feel drawn to focus on the earth and our finances and to think about ways that we can be of service or bring innovation in this area.
There is so much positive energy in the sky to grow, expand and progress around this Full Moon.
This energy will be felt most strongly by people with planets in Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio.
A key theme of this Full Moon is expansion, think about the ways that you are expanding and growing in your life and visualise this journey as a spiral. You can walk this spiral outward welcoming the energy of expansion in as you take each step, or you could draw a spiral on paper. You could even journal in a spiral about your journey of growth, filling a page with bigger, bolder ideas!