Through planning in cycles, syncing with the Moon and our unique astrological blueprint, we can share our work in a more soul-based and collaborative way which aligns with the age of Aquarius we have recently moved into, as of late last year. I often get asked how to make a start on this as it all sounds great, but what does it mean in practical steps?
Write down a list of all the tasks you do to run your business. For each task, consider which sort of energy it falls into:
These four energies align with the cycle of the Moon (or your own cycle if you have one). Starting with the Reflective phase with the New Moon. The idea is to have a different focus each week that aligns with one of these four energies, then cycle through them. This isn’t saying that you ‘must’ do all your content creation in the Dynamic week, but having a different sort of focus for each week helps avoid overwhelm of trying to do ALL the things ALL the time! I’ve explained more on this in my free download- Introduction to Lunar living available here:
Start tracking the Moon cycle- to start, simply pay attention to the New Moon as the start of the cycle (winter phase) and the Full Moon as the culmination (summer phase). Notice how you feel at each phase and any differences. The 2 weeks after the New Moon are the more goal-orientated masculine energy weeks, and the 2 weeks after the Full Moon are the more intuitive feminine energy weeks. See below for an image you can save onto your laptop or phone for a quick visual of Moon dates.
Look at your astrological blueprint- get your chart for free at by putting in your date, time and place of birth. I would say to look at your North Node and Midheaven in combination with your Sun/Moon/Ascendant which will give you so much insight into the work you are doing at a soul level. Finding your true purpose means you won’t feel like you are marketing but simply sharing your essence and purpose for being here at this time.
Consider what you can let go of. Many of us are suffering from internalised capitalism or a corporate hangover. Pushing ourselves to the brink of burn out thinking that the only way to success is through working so hard we don’t have any spare hours left for ourselves. Start practising releasing old patterns, negative habits, relationships and people pleasing with the Full Moon each month
Start tuning into your own intuition more by listening to how a decision or task *feels* in your body. Is it tight and restrictive, and feels like a drain? Or is something exciting and scary but has an expansive feel? Knowing the difference between fear which keeps you in your comfort zone and fear of growth really helps
With the whole year to view on one A4 sheet, this handy guide is great as a quick reference or to keep handy when planning out your months.