But actually they are essentially the same in many ways.
The Oprah Magazine says:
“Essentially, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief, i.e. if you think it, and it will come. However, there is more to manifestation than willpower and positive thinking. Manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience a reality… via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions.”
The difference with manifesting is that it also involves *asking* rather than 100% relying on your own actions.
Gabrielle Bernstein, says: “Manifesting is also known as co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and the Universe.”
When you recognise that it’s a combination of:
✨ Your energy
✨ Your actions
✨ Your trust in the world
It actually feels less daunting. It’s not all about setting up another marketing funnel or running Facebook ads.
When I realised that Marketing IS Manifesting, it was a game-changer for me and I started seeing results in my business almost straight away when I truly applied it. The way I combine practical, physical actions with energetic, spiritual-type actions is exactly what my Astrological birth chart shows I am here on earth to do (yes really!)
I believe it’s the reason why in the last few months I have applied it, my monthly income has quadrupled – of course it’s not all about the income, I genuinely believe I have been able to serve people more and make more of an impact than before when I was focusing on my marketing to-do list, and getting super frustrated with all the various platforms and tech.
Of recognising that what you put out there comes from within- the energy you attach to it is just as important as the words of images you use.
Of course, this also comes down to mindset. Mindset is everything. And mindset is a huge part of manifestation.
What I Mentor my 1:1 clients through is a combination of mindset, marketing an spiritual manifestation and energetic work through connecting with the Moon Cycle, your birth chart, and regularly pulling cards.
What do you think? Do you consider the energy you emit when you create marketing content?
We cover this and much more in the Intuitive Business Academy
I also have a whole page dedicated to free downloads to help you start to take a more intuitive approach when marketing your work. https://lauren-jane.com/free-stuff
Check out my Instagram for more tips