The last time we had a Scorpio new moon was November 15th Last year. Can you look back and reflect on all that has come to pass since then? Can you remember the sort of themes and energy that was coming up for you then?
Whilst this is another Scorpio New Moon, for some reasons I’ve explained below, it my feel a little different to last year- no two New Moons are exactly the same!
I have found the last year transformational on many different levels. Last November I started my first group course, I was in an incredible Mastermind with Caroline Britton, and in the process of pivoting from running a co-working business to a coaching and mentoring practice. Shifting back into this time of year, watching the leaves fall and enjoying the autumnal colours, I feel intense gratitude for all the shifts and changes I’ve experienced since the sun and moon were last together in Scorpio.
This Scorpio new moon forms an opposition to unpredictable Uranus, which means we can expect a certain amount of chaos and unpredictability. This may feel intense and like you are losing control- but trust it is happening as a sort of ‘cosmic cleanse’ for you.
The idea is to relinquish control and grow from these circumstances.
At the start of October, we had a whopping 6 planets in Retrograde at the same time. Whilst retrogrades happen each year, having so many retrograde at once is quite unusual. This apparent ‘backward’ motion gives us a chance to reflect, pause and deepen our understanding around different parts of our lives. If you found August and September a bit heavy-going this may be why as well.
Mercury – went direct on 18th October (retrogrades a few times each year- the latest one started 27th September
Venus- has been direct since the beginning of the year
Mars – has been direct the whole time thank goodness!
Jupiter- went direct on 18th October (went retrograde on 20th June)
Saturn- went direct on October 11th (was retrograde since 23rd May)
Uranus- still in retrograde since August
Neptune- still in retrograde since June
Pluto- went direct on 6th October
So the fact Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto have all turned direct since the last New Moon is going to give this Scorpio Moon a different sort of sense of new beginnings and releasing all the ‘stuff’ that came up during these retrogrades which call for inner work in the area of life they are connected to.
You may just find that any changes or transformations you are working on step up a level, revealing the next step of your process.
If you are in a stuck and stagnant place, you can call on the energies of this New Moon to help create a shift in your life.
When you add these two together, you have a breakthrough. Where can you trust yourself more and allow more time for the breakthrough to happen?
Scorpio energy can create a moodiness and we may find our energy levels and emotions difficult to stabilise. Each New Moon is call for us to go within and align with our purpose, our core values and also to allow any feelings that have been pushed down to be processed.
When you pull the Death tarot card, if you aren’t familiar with the real meaning, this may initially seem like a bad omen. However, it is really just saying that something is ending. It’s the end (death) of an era. This means something new is coming and the call here is to make space for the new. Have an energetic declutter. Trust the new will come.
To learn more about planning your life in line with moon cycles you can download a free introduction to lunar living here
I love this. Thank you for all the wonderful info. Ready to work on the journal prompts (:
Thank you! Glad it resonated 🙂