Life moves in 7 year cycles. It takes approximately 7 years for all the cells in our body to be renewed. We were studying these in depth in a recent class in the Astrology course I’m currently taking.
It takes 4 of these cycles to be completed for a Saturn return to happen. (Your first one is around age 29).
Approximately every 7 years (depending on retrogrades) we see an important shift as a new aspect is made. Certainly when I went through all the dates for myself I could see key turning points and transitions at each phase. The shifts can happen over a number of months. Each point feels like the end of an era and the beginning of another.
My little sister is born and I change schools from Infant to middle school . This is when we start to understand how authority works, and we learn about logic and linear thinking.
First boyfriends, coming of age, dramatic break up with first boyfriend. This is a time when we question our own identity and are challenged by external influences
Graduating university, travelling, living on a beach in Mexico. Dating my now husband. This transit is more about developing romantic relationships and finding our passion.
When Saturn returns to the original degree it was located when we were born and we officially enter adulthood, astrologically speaking. It’s about redefining how you want to live your life from there on. This phase is a rebirthing process of sorts when many go through tough times and lots of self-development, which can look like painful breakups, changing careers, or getting serious about paying off debt.
For me it was all of these! I moved to Australia, started a life on the other side of the world, addressed many self-confidence issues, got serious about self-development going on weekend-long courses.
In 2015 when it dipped back in Retrograde, it was just before my wedding which felt appropriate as organising the wedding was a chance to review different phases of my life when we were going through the invite list as well as really cementing the choices we’d made as a couple to leave Australia and come back to the UK to get married and ‘settle down’.
My latest transit I felt coming as I was much more attuned to Astrology by this point. It felt like a turning point, stepping into more confidence around my work and my self-worth. Releasing many beliefs around success, defining how I want to spend my time. Stopping people-pleasing.
Next up is my second Saturn opposition in about 7 years time!
This is the Saturn return calculator I used to pull up my dates:
1. Check in with your core values
I ALWAYS start with clarity on core values when I work 1:1 with clients. They are our constant in life. Beliefs, ideas and behaviour can change, but your values are fundamentally YOU. Sometimes we get pulled away from them by doing what we are told is ‘logical’ or we are ‘good at’ but can ultimately take us down a path of serious lack of fulfilment. The key Saturn transits can be a wake up call for us to check back in on these.
2. Release anything out of alignment
These cycles are like an ending of one era so we can step into a new one. A way of framing our lives like chapters in a story. In order to evolve and move towards the highest expression of ourself, there are usually beliefs, people, relationships, things, work that we need to let go of to create space for the new. Identifying what isn’t aligned and having a good energetic (and physical) clear-out really helps. Journalling and meditation can help you find clarity around this.
3. Take action – don’t over-analyse!
Often when we go through transits, it can feel messy, unorganised, chaotic and unpleasant and we may feel like hiding away until it’s all over. But this only prolongs the chaos. Only through feedback can we make progress, and only through action can we get true feedback. Especially you Virgos out there who love to reaaaallly go over allllll the tiny details!
I’ve created a free tracker if you are interested in working more in alignment with the cosmic energies around us.
As you can probably tell, I am a big fan of combining Astrology and Psychology to gain insights into living more purposefully. I bring this approach into the Saturn Transit workshops I run- check on my events listings to see if one is coming up soon.
I also offer personalised 1:1 readings if you want to get more insights on your Astrology overall.