Are you a red witch or a white witch? Does your cycle sync with the Moon?
Have you noticed that you normally bleed when the Moon is at a certain phase of it’s cycle? Or perhaps you are curious to find out if you do sync with the moon? Read on to learn more about how you cycle can align with the Moon cycle and what it says about your natural ebb and flow of energy…
The energy of the Moon is at it lowest during a New Moon.
This is equivalent to day 1 of a menstrual cycle. The Full Moon is equivalent to ovulation and a high energy time.
With that being said, if you have a cycle, where does your cycle intersect with the Moon Cycle?
How to track?
A great app to track and find it is the Stardust App – I love this app as it’s a crossover between Astrology and cycle tracking. More info here –
Another app I use is called P-Tracker (for iPhone). It’s less pretty, and doesn’t tell you about the Moon, but I’ve been using it since 2014 and found it really reliable.
Free 2025 Moon Calendar
You can also download my FREE 2025 Moon Calendar here to check the dates:
The White Moon Cycle: You align with Moon energy
Your cycle starts within 3 days of the New Moon.
The white moon cycle is the most common cycle, and is linked to the new moon. This means that if you’re on a white moon cycle, then you bleed around the new moon, and ovulate around the full moon.
Because this cycle mirrors the traditional cycle of the moon, and mother earth; a woman with a white moon cycle is said to be in the Mother phase of her life. Either she wants to get pregnant and start a family, or she’s focused on nurturing and raising her children.
This is because the full moon is considered to be the earth’s most fertile time. So when a woman goes through the most fertile stage of her cycle simultaneously, both energies align and are magnified.
Women on a white moon cycle pull energy inward towards them, and harness this to replenish and deepen their emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.
These women were often favoured by the Patriarchy, because all their energy was solely focused on the men and children in their life.
Bleeding on the Waxing Moon (Pink Moon Cycle)
Your cycle starts more than 3 days before a full moon but the whilst the moon is waxing
This is about being explorative, being curious, learning, trying new things. Caring less about failing.
A pink moon cycle may represent a transitional phase in your life. When the moon waxes, it’s going from darkness and reflection, to light and expansion. So, this may mean you’re leaving a period of rest or shadow, and coming into your strength and your power.
The waxing crescent moon is aligned with the Maiden archetype: full of new enthusiasm, mental clarity, and physical vigour, ready to go forth and take on the world.
Think of the moon in its waxing phase: it’s not the new moon anymore, but it’s not the full moon yet either. It’s going somewhere, and that place is bigger and more vibrant — but it’s not there yet.
As a Pink Moon Woman, you may be wrestling with a new stage of self-discovery: Who am I? Who am I becoming? What am I here for and how can I fulfil that purpose?
Bleeding on the Full Moon (Red Cycle)
Your bleed starts within 3 days of a full moon
This is about sharing your learnings, creating, bringing something new into the world. You act in response to others. You are called to be a teacher at this time.
This is less common than the white moon cycle and is known as the wise woman’s cycle – in ancient times, these women were the priestesses, the healers and the oracles the village would have relied on. In contrast to the white moon, these women are focused on channelling their creative energy outward.
These women may also be mothers and raising children, but they are focused on and passionate about being in sacred circle with their community, and teaching and leading others. (This really resonates for me).
Women with a red moon cycle have a deep desire for self-actualisation, self-growth, creativity, business, mentorship and development. Everything they learn and experience helps to empower them from within, and this then enables them to empower the women around them.
Historically, women with a Red Moon Cycle may have been punished for being witches, and may still feel a bit unsafe using their intuitive abilities.
Bleeding on the Waning Moon (Purple Cycle)
Your cycle starts more than 3 days before a new moon but the whilst the moon is waning
This is about tending to manifesting something you already started, not something new. Use your downloads from your bleed time to instruct the rest of your cycle. You are very intuitively connected at this time. It’s about developing your knowledge and being stable.
This means you bleed when the moon is waning (transitioning from full moon to new moon).
A purple moon cycle also represents a transitional phase, but in the opposite direction. When the moon wanes, it’s going from fullness and strength into reflection and rest. So this might symbolise you entering a quieter stage of your life, or exploring your shadow self.
It could be a time to get clear on what’s no longer serving you and needs to be released, or a time to retreat into your cocoon. And this is vital before you can emerge again, revitalised, and ready to spread your wings and soar
Going beyond Red and White…
A more in-depth view of what it means if you have a lot of historical info on your cycle you can use to look at how your cycle has tracked over time- keep a journal and track over the years how your cycle shifts and notice themes in your life at the time.
My own Cycle tracking
At the moment, I tend to bleed just after the first Quarter- as the Moon is waxing and building in energy. Looking at which phase of the moon I bled in and when I bled on the exact day of the full moon, each time BIG things have happened!
Dec 14- Got engaged
Jun 16- Moved into new home
Jan 18- Appeared on This Morning- huge TV and newspaper piece
April 19- Tony Robbins fire walking experience
July 20- Completed my coaching training- new focus, divine connection, started new direction for my coaching and mentoring work that was integrated with Moon Cycle tracking
My rough workings
I simply drew a circle, marked down when it was the New, Full and Quarter Moons and looked back on the dates for day 1 of my cycle and marked in the circle when it happened in relation to the Moon Cycle. Since I have been cycle tracking since 2012, I was able to go back a few years using the dates I had in the app I use for cycle tracking.
How do I apply this?
As with all of the menstrual-moon cycles, the connection is not about being really strict and putting yourself into a box- it is all fluid and you may change ‘types’ from one month to the next. It’s all about noticing, observing, reflecting and thinking what it means for you. There is no wrong or right and it’s
What if I don’t have a cycle or am on Contraceptives?
I was on the pill between ages 16 to 29 so I totally get it. If you can, I’d say to come off it (I’m no doctor, so seek medical advice) but I found after a few months of my body getting back into sync with itself, I felt so much more ‘me’ and connected with my true self. The pill to me felt like I was masking myself. Whilst I do get PMT more off the pill, I have come to learn to love it (yes really!) Like I enjoy living in a country with annual seasons, I also enjoy experiencing the shift in my own seasons. The PMT version of me doesn’t take any shit and is great at making decisions!
If you are a man, peri-menopausal, have gone through the menopause, or have the Coil fitted, or have any other reason for not having a regular cycle, this means you can use the Moon as your main cycle. We are all naturally cyclical beings, no matter your physical gender, so once you get into the flow of it, you will feel each season of the cycle as much as someone with a menstrual cycle.
Free Monthly Tracker Download
Whilst you can draw out a Moon cycle by hand as I did above, I also have a free download with a Moon Cycle diagram you can print out and use to mark your cycle dates on- check it out here.
Is one cycle type ‘better’?
Absolutely not! We need people with all 4 cycle types to make society work effectively. If we were all one type, we’d all need to rest at the same time.
There used to be a common misconception that a red moon cycle is inferior, because it doesn’t align with the natural phases of the moon. But it’s really not. Whilst you may find your energy levels are the opposite of the Moon, it’s all about how you choose to work with your energy and the Moon energy that matters. For me, as a Red Witch most of the time, I find the Quarter Moons my most powerful time of the month. I rest with the Collective peaceful energy of the New Moon and also with my own declining energy with the Full Moon.
My Red into Pink Cycle
When I started researching all of this more, I realised that being on a red moon cycle made complete sense for where I was in my life, and as I’ve shifted more into the Pink Cycle, that reflects what I’m doing with my work at the moment. I am a Mother, and I believe becoming a Mother has amplified my Red-Witchy-ness.
Before I became a mum, I used to use my time less effectively- if I wanted to work into the evening, I did. When I became a mum, it forced me to acknowledge what was truly important to me. I started a business and started taking steps away from the corporate world. My initial business was a co-working club for parents, so it was intrinsically linked to me being a mum.
My focus now is on continual self-learning and inner growth, and sharing my findings with other women walking a similar path. I’m growing and nourishing a business that centres on empowering soulpreneurs.
When my energy is low during the light of full moon, I draw my attention to illuminating and expanding internally. And when my energy is high during the darkness of new moon, I channel that into shedding whatever needs to go, resetting, and creating new, supportive intentions for this cycle. I find I have the most clarity around the New Moon Cycle.
How you can still use this if you don’t have a cycle (yes even if you are a man!)
If you don’t have a cycle and are wondering if you can apply this- you totally can. I would say to find the cycle you align with, think about which part of the cycle you typically find more challenging… and check the moon dates to see when you can focus on each area- a week of each per cycle:
Red: Putting yourself out there, being visible, external energy
Purple: Completing what you started
White: Connecting to your intuitive, creative side
Pink: Starting new projects, courage, spontaneity
Once you know your cycle type, you can then dig further into learning what it means for you… I am actually writing a short course on this after having such a great response to this blog post!
Journal prompts:
What can I learn from my cycle?
Do I resonate with the type of cycle I have right now?
Is my cycle consistent or inconsistent? Does that reflect me, and am I comfortable with it?
Other Free downloads
If you’re new to Moon cycle tracking, check out my free downloads page where I have a Lunar Living Guide, Monthly Moon tracker and Intuitive weekly Planner.