Each month in the Intuitive Business Academy, we have a recommended book- we read this one together as it was a short and easy one to get through, yet really impactful – we certainly had an interesting debate about it!
When I first started reading this book, I couldn’t quite believe it was written at the turn of the previous century – the concepts all seemed very modern and in alignment with other current teachings around the principles of abundance, mindset and law of attraction.
What I found great about it, is that it offers a whole new viewpoint to looking at creating what you truly want in life- whatever it is. It promotes collaboration, offering value to others, and affirms that time is not ‘running out’ and other people’s success does not diminish the chances of our own success.
Whilst the tone is a bit ‘do as I say and only as I say’ – I get that it’s because Wallace is forming the steps into a somewhat measurable science (though as I learnt studying psychology at university, anything to do with human mindset always has an element of unpredictability!).
Money can often be tarnished with thoughts of greed, evil, and there is a sense of wearing a badge of pride of doing something without being financially rewarded for it in our culture. However, money is simply an energy, a way of exchanging energy. We need a flow of energy coming into us to live. When there is more energy, we can do more – we can overflow and give to others. Having more money allows you to fully embrace your potential by giving you access to things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to.
“The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.”
– Wallace D. Wattles
Opportunity cannot be monopolised by others as there is more than enough for all. We can see this as we know that people from all different sorts of backgrounds, intelligence levels, personality types etc can become rich. Think big about what you can achieve. Then think bigger.
If you think about the things you want to be, do and have in your life then the mere notion of this will allow you to see the opportunities available to make it happen. Everything that people have created once first existed as a thought. Wallace speaks of a ‘Formless Substance’ as a way to think about the power our thoughts have ‘out there’ – you can think of this also as ‘source’ or ‘the divine’ – whichever feels right for you.
“To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditures of more power than any other work man is called to perform.”
Basically, the whole point here is to recognise the power of your own THOUGHTS – what is your inner voice actually saying?
There is enough in this world for everyone. There is no need to compete for anything as there are abundant riches in the world available to you. You have the ability to create what you want through thought and action, there is no need to take those things from another person, nor do you need to cheat or take advantage of anyone in the process. Become a creator not a competitor.
Always give more value to someone than what you receive in exchange for it. This is in the sense of ‘value’ -what someone receives from you gives them more value in the long terms- such as teaching someone a skill that enables them to run their business.
You will create business from operating this way as this will be what you are known for and people will want to work with you or buy from you as people will go where they are ‘given increase’.
Being grateful for the things you already have, allows your mind to also expand into being grateful for the thing you are yet to receive. The law of physics states that every action has a reaction – equal and opposite. So the gratitude you express for the things you desire brings them closer to you for accepting.
The energies of thought create the very thing that you think. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any doubts, disbelief or negativity that enters your thoughts. Positive thinking is essential to achieving your desires. That’s not to say you brush the negativity under the carpet, but be aware, address and release any doubts you may have about achieving what you want. Also guard what you say – Never speak of yourself, your affairs, or of anything else in a discouraging way. This includes watching what you read, and TV programs that drag you down (aka the daily news!) Plus, anyone you spend time with that tends to focus on the negatives.
Whilst I mainly agree with this, I also believe in our capacity as humans to hold duality- we don’t need toxic or fake positivity to be successful- embracing the light and the dark and being able to still believe in yourself is essential.
This is about showing up for the work. Not just about your work, but any tasks that you do should be done to the best of your ability, no holds barred. Each day do as much as you can achieve and do it efficiently.
“You can advance only by being larger than your present place; and no man is larger than his present place who leaves undone any of the work pertaining to that place.”
There is no need to hurry. If you are operating in the creative sphere and not the competitive, no one is going to beat you to the thing you want to do. Take your time. Mistakes come from acting in a hurry, or from a place of doubt or fear. If you find yourself rushing, slow down and remember to keep in mind what you desire whilst expressing gratitude that you are to receive it. This very act strengthens your faith and renews your purpose. ‘You are right where you need to be now’.
As you go about your business it is inevitable that you will come upon obstacles to your goals. These might be obstacles of your own imagining or real ones. However, if you think and act in the ways above, you will find as you venture on your path a way will appear. Don’t spend time worrying about the HOW you will do something. Think back to the gratitude of having already what you desire.
Never feel disappointed that something hasn’t worked out as planned. You may perceive it as failure but hold to your faith and you will see failure is only apparent. Something better is on its way to you which will make that apparent failure a true success.
Let me know if you’ve read this book and what you think about this summary. Check out the Intuitive Business Academy page to learn more about our intuitive approach to business in the age of Aquarius.