The Moon is coming back into alignment opposite the Virgo Sun. From Earth we will see the Moon in Pisces fully illuminated; it’s the height of the lunar cycle, a time for celebration, visibility, and creativity.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and has a spiritual theme. It is associated with the archetypes of the mystic, the healer, the artist, and the dreamer. There is a sense of oneness in Pisces, we are all connected, and spending time contemplating oneness is at the heart of Pisces.
Pisces has a deep desire to merge, with others and with spirit. This can lead to a loss of self-identity and a tendency towards escapism, reality is always dissolving into dreams. With this deeply empathic connection and dreamy nature, it can be difficult to stay grounded when there is strong Pisces energy.
Our Virgo Sun brings much needed grounding energy, this is the axis of healing and service. Between the physical realm of Virgo and the spiritual realm of Pisces there is opportunity for healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Together Pisces and Virgo bring a focus to looking at our health and service holistically, are there parts of ourselves that we are neglecting and is our service honouring of this interconnectedness.
Virgo brings practical structures and realistic plans to provide a container for Pisces spirituality and divine love. They are the perfect pair, and this is my favourite Full Moon of the year.
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (traditional) and Neptune (modern).
Jupiter is the spiritual teacher of boundless wisdom, his big heart cannot be contained, and he brings a joyful expansiveness wherever he shines, although we need to be careful not to fall into excess. His shadow is that he expands all that he touches for good and for bad and you can sometimes have too much of a good thing, this is part of the reason that Pisces is associates with addiction.
Neptune is associated with the unconscious dream world; he rules mirrors, cinema and the blurring between reality and fantasy. When Neptune forms an aspect, we can feel it dissolving things, it can seem like a fog is hiding the reality of the situation.
This Full Moon will be conjunct Neptune, just 7 degrees before its opposition to the Sun the Moon will have met with him. As the ruler of this lunation Neptune’s presence will be strongly felt. In his home sign of Pisces there is likely to be an easy connection to the spiritual, our intuition and a deep sense of oneness with the divine. Watch out for addictive behaviours and escapism, these can be hard to avoid with strong Neptunian influence.
Mercury will trine Jupiter and Square Pluto, this is a similar aspect to the one formed by Venus at the New Moon and as Jupiter and Pluto are almost at the same degrees of Aquarius and Capricorn, we will see this again when the Sun and Mars pass through Libra. It is likely to feel like a power struggle again and if Venus fought for the heart, Mercury will fight for the mind. Exactly how this shows up will depend on where it falls in your chart, but each time Pluto and Jupiter are triggered similar themes are likely to appear.
We will also see the trine between Saturn and the north node activated again, this time by Mars. At the New Moon we saw Mercury in this position. Saturn and the north node are still working on building and re-imagining structures for our collective destiny, and with Mars joining the conversation from Libra we may see some more assertive challenges being made. Mars is not at his strongest in Libra and chooses tact and diplomacy over aggression and drive, but it is still likely to add some energy to this aspect.
This energy will be felt most strongly by people with planets in Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius.
Pisces rules our dreams and unconscious mind, so this is a great time to record your dreams, start a dream journal and keep it by your bed. Set the intention each night to write in it as soon as you wake up and ask the dream maker to bring you dreams.