Sometimes when you look at someone and where they are now, it appears they have things all planned out and organised. I thought I’d write an open blog post about my journey because it certainly didn’t feel organised or planned as I was going through it, and only in the last 18 months have I […]

April 17, 2022

Quitting the Corporate world to start coaching

In my last post I shared about the breakdown I had whilst running my business last year and how I felt incredibly burnt out due to taking a more masculine ‘hustle’ approach to my business (even though I should have known better… but ingrained habits run deep!) Today I wanted to share the breakthrough I had in the […]

April 16, 2022

Sharing My Burn Out Breakthrough

The Light bearers

Key Points from the Book “The Science of Getting Rich” Each month in the Intuitive Business Academy, we have a recommended book- we read this one together as it was a short and easy one to get through, yet really impactful – we certainly had an interesting debate about it! When I first started reading […]

April 6, 2022

Is there a ‘science’ to getting rich?

Taking a cyclical approach to health I have been focusing on taking a cyclical approach to health and the way I manage my work and life for over 2 years now, and I am always discovering ways to deepen my practices. Seed cycling is just that- it gives you different seed combinations to have for […]

April 3, 2022

Seed Cycling for hormone balance

Chiron Vibes I’ve spoken to so many people this week who are feeling things are just a bit ‘off’ – have you? The New Moon we have tomorrow is working with Chiron (as seen from earth they are right next to each other) so this means their energy joins up.  Chiron is a comet with a unique […]

March 31, 2022

It’s not you, it’s the Chiron energy!

I thought today I’d share a bit about the mistakes I’ve made along the way since I have been running my coaching business. Often this might be all about ‘avoiding’ mistakes but actually I believe we need to celebrate mistakes or failures as it’s the only way we truly learn and progress. So here is […]

March 27, 2022

The Top 3 Mistakes in my coaching business

Tarot can be used as an effective self-discovery tool (and so much more!) When I work with groups and with 1:1 clients, I now regularly include Tarot as part of this work. The Tarot deck is basically a way of describing the whole human experience that we are all going through. Pulling a card and […]

March 25, 2022

My Top 3 Tarot Decks

Lauren holding a tarot card

Bad Vibes from Facebook Do you run a membership? Are you fed up with Facebook? In this post I talk about why I think Circle is better than Facebook and how easy it was to set up. We all sense that Facebook has been in decline in terms of the ‘good vibes’ you pick up […]

March 22, 2022

Why I run my membership from Circle

At school and in work we have been taught to take a Linear approach- do the same thing each week day and each week – work set hours, and take a 24-hour cycle approach. This works generally for men or people with more masculine ‘yang’ energy, but not for women, or those with a more […]

March 16, 2022

Using your cycle to access your true power!

Cyclical Approach

Curious about Human Design? Learn how you can integrate your personal chart qualities into the way you work to feel more aligned and in flow!

March 14, 2022

Bringing Human Design into your Business