You may be afraid of success which is a very common issue, especially if you are empathetic and don’t want to cause any upset or conflicts.
The fear of doing well.
The fear of being recognised for your accomplishments.
At its core, what you are really afraid of is a change in the status quo. As much as you might dislike your life, yourself, your job, your anxiety…. it’s what you know. Success… that’s a bit scary, whether it’s social success, work success, financial success. It feels like that would come with responsibilities that you don’t know whether you can handle.
Why We Fear Success
You might literally be afraid of being thrust into the limelight because of your success.
Imagine winning the lottery. Writing a bestseller. There’s a reason why some authors/musicians/actors become private people—they were not prepared for what success would bring.
Another reason you might fear success is that you are worried others will be mad, envious, jealous, or hurt. If you are moving up, you might feel like you are leaving others behind. You may be an empath and highly attuned to what other people are thinking/feeling, and you may worry that your success will come at the cost of other people’s happiness or their liking you.
Do You Have a Fear of Success?
How do you know if your fear of success or fear of winning is holding you back?
Ask yourself the following:
Have you ever….
· Done destructive things to handicap yourself from succeeding?
· Refused to set goals so that you had no chance of success?
· Been close to success or nearly reached a goal and then suddenly changed paths to avoid going all the way? For example, not taking that last course toward getting your degree or closed down a business just when you started to attract more customers?
· If so, it could be that the fear of success is holding you back from reaching your goals or trying your hardest.
What I’d like you to do is to answer the following journaling prompts:
1. What are you afraid will happen if you achieve success?
2. How realistic is it that those things will actually happen?
3. If they did happen, what could you do to cope?
4. If your best friend was going through the same, what would be your advice to her?
5. Consider that we often think in terms of either/or – black and white choices. Just because you have success doesn’t mean that another part of your life won’t be successful. Write down any fears you have around success causing some negative consequences and how you could mitigate them
Let me know how you get on. The New Moon would be the perfect time for this deep work. If you’d like support with truly allowing yourself to be successful, the Calm Marketing Community is a group membership where we support each other to go for our dreams.