Ok I’ve realised for quite a long time that I’m an empath, but over the last year that has evolved into Clairsentience. I feel vulnerable for putting this out there, but the way I’ve experienced it over the last few months means I can no longer just put it down to random feelings.
Are intuitive, sensitive and perceptive
They feel other people’s emotions as if they were their own
They can find it hard being in loud crowds
Can easily get overwhelmed as they feel so much
Can often take on other people’s energy and not realise it’s not their own feelings and burdens
“Highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualise feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick and thin, they’re there for you, world-class nurturers.”
Literally means ‘Clear Feeling’ – it’s the ability to sense other people’s emotions in the past, present and future
Clairsentients usually tend to also be empaths
They can also sense more information behind a feeling – perhaps connected to what led to the feeling or other details
They may get bodily sensations or visuals in their mind linked to sensing this emotion in another
They are able to perceive more than simply the intensity of the feeling
This is all still very new for me, but I’ve been noticing over the last few months how I get really intense physical symptoms when near to someone who is holding the energy of an emotion (maybe not even consciously). I am still learning exactly how to read these feelings but thanks to people sharing very vulnerably with me I’ve noticed the pattern below- note that is isn’t a ‘guide’ but an observation – I suspect all Clairsentients feel things differently! I also don’t seem to feel something for everyone- I’m not sure why yet but some people I get nothing, and others it’s like fireworks going off!
Strong pain near but to the left of my heart like someone has blown up a small balloon inside me.
Linked to severe heartache such as losing a loved one. They don’t need to be thinking about it for me to sense it. They may be consciously quite happy and talking about something else.
Sharp Pain in the Left upper thigh:
Linked to someone feeling repressed and unable to walk forwards the way they truly want to go. Feeling trapped in a system that doesn’t work for them. Feeling helpless.
Sharp pain in my left thumbnail:
They are blocking their own gifts. Something in them really wants to get out and be set free. Literally feels like someone is stabbing the thumb down to keep them quiet.
Strong headache at the bottom back area of head:
Lack of self-worth, feeling of extreme burn out as they can never do enough to feel good about themselves.
Strong stabbing pains that come and go every few minutes in my womb area (different to period pains)
Not honouring what you truly want to create. Not following your true calling. Feelings of lack, competition, struggle.
Severe anxiety in pit of stomach
Sensing a big fight or argument well before it happens.
Tuning into the Moon:
Having been tracking the Moon cycle for some time now, I can really feel when the Moon moves into certain signs- most notably Scorpio, Pisces and Aries.
Scorpio- The days I feel really burdened – old wounds are coming up. I am being challenged in some way. I have something to process that feels hard. It’s emotional and I find it challenging to focus on work on these days.
Pisces – I cry literally at anything that touches me in some small way. Emotions are really bubbling to the surface
Aries- I am really fidgety and keen to take action. I find it hard to sit still.
Feeling a little crazy and worried about my own health getting these seemingly random but intense feelings
Having to leave the room as soon as possible with some people because the intensity of the feelings is hard to deal with
Not enjoying being in large groups of people as it’s so overwhelming
Needing time alone after being with people to disconnect from feelings that aren’t mine
Needing retreats alone every quarter in nature to fully recharge
Unexplainably not wanting to spend time with some people even though they seem great
Being really drawn to connect with others because I feel so much similarity with them energetically
Feeling like I’m being anti-social. How come other people can socialise and chat for hours, and I get so drained sometimes?
I can say that this really has only started happening consistently over the last few months since I’ve done a lot of energetic cleansing work with my Coach Caroline Britton. This has been in the form of shadow work- of releasing old beliefs, fears and patterns playing out. Of recognising my own gifts. Some also believe there is a collective energetic up-levelling happening on earth too as we enter the Age of Aquarius.
I believe we all have hidden intuitive gifts that we probably dismiss as ‘random’ or meaningless. But I’ve learnt really that nothing we have in our lives is truly random. As Tony Robbins says: Life happens for us not to us. We 100% created everything in our lives and everything we experience is a learning we chose to experience when we chose to come and be humans on earth for a little snippet of time.
I love this quote. I am working on allowing feelings to flow. Feelings are after all E-Motions – Energy in Motion. When we stop the flow, we build walls around our heart.
“To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness; it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is the society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
— Anthon St. Maarten
We are on the same journey. I too, am tuning into my clairsentient abilities much more that I’m older. I feel seen. Thank you and I wish you luck!